Financial Update

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21
In the recent church survey, an individual asked about understanding the basics of OroNaz. So, here are the basics:

OroNaz is a locally funded church, meaning: our church functions completely based on the tithes and offerings given each week. This funds all of the operations of our local church: maintenance and upkeep of our facility, salaries for pastors and staff, ministry budgets, etc. OroNaz also participates with the Church of the Nazarene denomination globally through our Shares for Others. Each week when tithes and offerings are given, we then share a portion to help fund the operations of our denomination.

The Church of the Nazarene has always been heavily involved in world missions with the goal of making Christ-like disciples in all the nations. Our local church contributes 5.5% of all tithes and offerings received to the World Evangelism Fund (WEF) to participate in supporting missionaries and missions throughout the world. In the ‘23-’24 fiscal year, OroNaz sent $38,187 to support the WEF.

At a more local level, OroNaz sends 4% of all tithes and offerings received to the Administration Fund. In the ‘23-’24 fiscal year, OroNaz sent $27,629 to the Sacramento District Office. These funds are managed by our local district to meet the needs of churches and district ministries within the Northern California region. In addition, our local church contributes 2.5% of all tithes and offerings received to the Educational Fund. This fund is managed by our regional university, Point Loma. In the ‘23-’24 fiscal year, OroNaz sent $15,884 to support the educational needs of Point Loma.

Finally, OroNaz sends 2% of all tithes and offerings received to the Pensions and Benefits Fund. In the ‘23-’24 fiscal year, OroNaz sent $15,542 to help provide a modest benefit to retired pastors and missionaries of our denomination.

Just as an individual is called to tithe to his/her church, OroNaz chooses to give 14% of all tithes and offerings to the Nazarene denomination to support the many needs here, near and far. God continues to provide for our every need. As OroNaz gives our Shares for Others to our denomination, we are participating in the great commission making Christ-like disciples in all the nations.

If you ever have questions about finances, feel free to reach out to us at

As Paul writes, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. We are keeping the church family updated on our financial blessings and challenges. Please pray and/or give as God leads.

March is the 1st month of the annual budget year that runs March 2024 to February 2025. Thank you for your continued financial commitment; it is a testament to what God is doing in us and through us.

Our Pastor, CLT, Treasurer (Joey McCoy) and Finance Team welcome your questions and feedback. Please email the Finance Team at to start a conversation.

OroNaz Church Financial Update: March 2024
Our Church Year runs from March to February

Projected budget
March 2024-February 2025
Projected budget March 2024-February 2025: $751,364
Needed for March 2024 $62,614
Giving for March 2024 $62,614
Expenses paid in March 2024 $52,112
Needed Year to Date $62,614
Giving Year to Date $64,464
Expenses Paid Year to Date $52,112

Shares for Others Paid Year to Date
World Evangelism Fund $2,761
Pensions & Benefits $1,004
Education $1,255
District Ministries $2,008
FINANCIAL CONNECTION ARCHIVES: Click the month below you'd like to view.
APR 2022     MAY 2022     JUN 2022     JUL 2022     AUG 2022    SEP 2022    OCT 2022    NOV 2022     DEC 2022     Jan 2023   No FEB 2023 report 
MAR 2023   APR 2023    May 2023       Jun 2023     Jul 2023     Aug 2023    Sep 2023        Oct 2023      Nov 2023Dec 2023Jan 2024No Feb 2024 report

What is the difference between a tithe and an offering?

Tithe: The Biblical principle of tithe comes from the Old Testament, where Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:20; Hebrews 7:6); and Jacob vowed unto the Lord and said, "Of all that you give me I will give you a tenth" (Genesis 28:22). The word “tithe” means “tenth.” The tithe has a reference to ownership, that we return to the one who owns everything a portion of what he has given to us. The Bible talks about the neglect of this duty, where it was sternly rebuked by the prophets (Amos 4:4; Malachi 3:8-10). It cannot be affirmed that the Old Testament law of tithes is binding on the Christian Church, however, the principle of this law remains, and is incorporated in the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:13-14); and so our motivation that compels us to be generous givers, as followers of Christ, is greater now than in Old Testament times; as Christians, we should go beyond the ancient Hebrew obligation in consecrating both ourselves and our possessions to God. Tithing becomes part of our worship to the Lord.
Offering: Giving above and beyond the tithe is considered an offering. The Bible doesn’t command us to give offerings, but it does encourage us to give generously, and offerings—since they aren’t required—reflect the generosity in our hearts. Until the tithe is met, an offering cannot be given.

God Provides Through A Unique Way
Payroll Protection Plan Update

As part of the governments recovery plan to stimulate and shore up the economy during the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Church Board approved us applying for the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP). Working with our Bank, the church was eligible to receive a $10,000 Grant and was approved for $98,000 in payroll protection, which was a loan with a forgiveness provision. We have weathered this pandemic, keeping our staff employed during this time. The church has followed all of the Federal Government’s provisions for the forgiveness of the PPP, and after submitting it to the Bank, they determined that we would need to repay $10,000 plus a small amount of interest accrued after approval, they determined that the remainder, $98,000, was forgiven. Because we spent the money from the PPP for payroll and mortgage payments, we were able to hold back the money budgeted for these things in a restricted account as they were paid. At the end we had set aside out of our budget the full amount of $108,000. Below we have charted this for you. The amount of interest was $81.45, leaving us with $97,918.55.

OroNaz Started with:

When we applied for PPP Forgiveness

With $97,918.55 funds available, the Finance Team discussed that we need to use some of the money to help others, not just for ourselves. The recommendation to the Church Leadership Team was to pay a 10% tithe off the money to help others, and then use the rest in a prioritized spending plan developed last year for extra funds above the budgeted amounts. More on the prioritized spending plan later.
The Church Leadership Team approved the Finance Teams recommendation. The  tithe on the forgiven amount was decided to be split in two gifts: the first 5% ($4895.93) was allocated to World Missions (NMI) to give to those in need on the mission field, the second 5% was for the same amount,  and was allocated to Local Missions in our area.
Our World Missions Council (NMI) split their money and gave it to two projects:
  • $2,447.97:  Project 1 – NCM COVID - 19 Response:  “As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is committed to acting in compassion as we respond together throughout the crisis, including the long-term needs that will go beyond immediate risks and dangers. Together, we can continue to be formed by Christ to respond in love, care, patience, devotion, and boldness.”  More details at: [] and
  • $2,447.96:  Project 2 – NCM The Shechem Children’s Home: “The Shechem Children’s Home is a short-term assessment center for children who are survivors of online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC). This is a form of human trafficking where images or videos of children performing sexual acts are sold over the internet. It is a growing problem globally and, in the Philippines, where Shechem is located.”  More details at:
Our Local Missions designation for the other top 5% ($4895.92) was split into four gifts:
  • $1223.98: Gift 1 – Caring for Women Pregnancy Resource Center: Caring For Women is a nonprofit pregnancy resource center. We have helped teens and women in Butte County with free services for over 25 years. The Pregnancy Resource Center offers a friendly, caring and confidential atmosphere. More details:
  • $1223.98: Gift 2 –The Axiom Youth Center: The Axiom is a Youth Center in Downtown Oroville Focused on building platforms for success for students to realize and utilize their untapped potential. More details:
  • $1223.98: Gift 3 –The Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition: The Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition is housed in the Hope Center to assist in-crisis individuals and families keep their homes. They work to end homelessness one individual or family at a time, whether you are in trouble of losing your housing or if you are trying to find housing. More details:
  • $1223.98: Gift 4 –The Oroville Rescue Mission: The Oroville Rescue Mission is a religious non-profit organization which serves the homeless and disadvantaged in the Oroville area and its surrounding communities. It is affiliated with the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions. More details:

Prioritized Spending Plan Distribution of Remainder: $88,126.30
Last year as part of our budget process the Finance Team and CLT set up what we are calling the prioritized spending plan where extra funds above the budgeted amount would be distributed as follows: 75% ($66,095.03) was allocated to debt repayment on our construction loan, 10% ($8,812.67) has been set aside for our Maintenance Team to use on the many needs of our campus and buildings, 5% ($4,406.33) has been set aside for Local Compassionate Ministries future needs, 5% ($4,406.33) has been allocated to our NMI team for future needs, and the last 5% ($4,406.33) has been set aside for the CLT to aid our church ministries and their needs.
We have been truly blessed! We will continue to steward God’s finances to the best of our ability. Any questions feel free to email

Joey McCoy, Treasurer and the Finance Team

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