Our Story

How it all started...

In a little house on Bird Street, a movement of people pursuing God started meeting in 1936. It could have ended there, but it didn't. God was already at work in a bunch of risk takers who never settled for anything less than obedience and the pursuit of God.

Expanding the vision...

From that little house to the Rock House, to the Church on Washington Avenue, to our current location on Monte Vista, we continue to see God at work, changing our community "one life at a time.

Where we are headed...

As a movement of people, we are well known for our generous giving to both local and global interests. From this rich heritage the Oroville Church of the Nazarene is excited and expectant as the Lord leads and provides under the direction and leadership of Pastor Travis Marshall. 

Learn about more...

This video is about the life, dedication and sanctification of one of the founders of the early Nazarene Church. It gives you some great insight into how we became a denomination. It is about Phineas F Bresse, called "Pastor to the People."

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10 am.